Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Spilling Over into the Outdoors Space

...from the "Occupy Wall Street" protests

The last post relevant commented the financial crisis, the community's dissatisfaction and questioned:

that farce is largely confined to the community space, but will it spread to the borders of the community space and spill over into the public space (like riots, protests, street obstructions and so on)? 

Thats exactly whats happened and it is interesting to see the movement of protest in terms of "Spaces" because it lends direction and indicates what is going to happen next.

The spillover is now moving from the Outdoors into the "Domestic Space" with a kind of interpersonal bond between people, creating a division, and a "us and thum" mentality. 

The last post relevant commented:

consequence would be that the Community space would become increasingly distant from the values of the essence it seeks to promote

We are likely to see this happen yet, Community views may become polarised into black and white strident views.  This might affect the broader essence space, leading to a deprivation of rights or less complexity and subtly.  A bit less complexity might be exactly what the financial industry needs.

Checkmate in Russia

Snakes & Ladders

the last post relevant commented Russian finanical infrastructure and the need to  "nurture this Social energy from above, with "Intimate" energy, like freedom for the press and opposition."

The conditions for this appear to be fading.  Freedom will be curtailed under Putin.  What this means is the Social Energy in Russia will be compromised and for example the national ambitions of being a major financial centre will be put on hold.  There may be a distinct clash with the West where Social Power and Community space prevail.